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Saturday, July 2, 2011

I feel the warmth....

Summer is among us and it always brings a sense of  rebirth and renewal.  It has been several months, ok 4 months since my last post.  I must say many changes have happened for me.  First and probably the most vital is that I have tested "negative" for my lyme disease.  My dr. is causiously optimistic and I am finally off my antibiotics.......  I can't tell you the relief I feel.  Know I am focused on healing my gut and truely getting healthy again. 

So, what does that mean.  Since May, I have been meeting a friend at the gym and we have been walk/running 3 mornings a week.  I think I only missed one morning over the past 2 months.  I have progressed from 20 minutes to about 1 hour on the treadmill.  I have successfully ran a 5K without stopping and now I am working on walk/sprinting for 5 miles.  I wish I could say that I have lost tons of weight or have dropped several dress sizes but I haven't.  I might be down one size and my weight stays the same.  Not quite sure what to do but I am still plugging away.

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